Alliance for Women in STEM

Alliance for Women in STEM


Follow us on Instagram: @uofsc_aws

Alliance for Women in STEM's mission is to create a collaborative environment for underrepresented groups, focusing on female students, pursuing majors or careers in STEM fields, social sciences, and medicine. We hope to provide support and resources to our members during their personal and professional scientific endeavors, including but not limited to research projects, graduate and medical school applications, grant proposals, fellowship and scholarship applications. We also will hold workshops and discussion panels focused on the unique challenges faced by women pursuing STEM education and careers, while paying special attention to the intersection of STEM with race, ethnicity, gender identity, and other backgrounds that contribute to the diversity of STEM fields. Students from other major backgrounds will not be excluded, but they must demonstrate an interest in research or higher education. We also will conduct outreach to Richland County Schools to foster interest in STEM among elementary, middle, and high school age girls. 

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Contact Information

Columbia, SC 29201
United States
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