Individuals Respecting Identities and Sexualities
IRIS is a social, service, and advocacy organization for the LGBTQ+ communities at the University of South Carolina. We offer a meeting space for discussion of LGBTQ+ topics affecting the community at large and a plethora of campus and community-wide events for the distribution of information and celebration of culture to the Carolinian community. Join us for our weekly meetings and for events like our annual Birdcage drag show and our Fall Formal!
Meetings are Tuesdays at 7:30PM in the Russell Underground
Additional resources:
OMSA (Office of Multicultural Student Affairs): https://sc.edu/about/offices_and_divisions/multicultural_student_affairs/index.php
Harriet Hancock LGBT Center: http://harriethancockcenter.org/
CAN Community Health Services: https://www.cancommunityhealth.org/can-services-education/
Planned Parenthood Cola, SC: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-center/south-carolina/columbia/29204/columbia-health-center-2646-90860
SC Equality: http://www.equalmeanseveryone.org/
Trevor Project: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/